[NCC] 160 contest Whip #2

Dan Kovatch w8car at buckeye-express.com
Sun Jan 10 06:51:39 PST 2010

Greetings fellow NCCers,

Now that NAQP CW is gone with phone to go it's time to think about CQWW 160.
I will on on from the W8CAR super station hopefully almost full time. Pete, 
N8TR, will be on in assisted in both modes. Tim, K3LR/5, will be on 
'portable' from his home. What are your plans? Let us know via the reflector 
and direct and I'll put a list here and on the web page (yes, it actually 
will be updated this week!)

NO ANTENNA you say?
I used to be one of you. Some ideas below

Things to try:

1) Tie the 80 meter coax together and use the end fed wire input on your 
tuner-this worked for me years ago till I had room for a 160 antenna. You 
can also probably get away with feeding the ground side of the coax as a 
sort of inverted L.

2) Open wire feed? Use one side as the antenna OR tie leads together and fed 
it as a T

3) Put up an inverted L-130 feet with as much vertical as you can 
get-loading coils are okay to make up length. I used 30 feet up, 60 over and 
30 down with a base tuner and worked my first DX barefoot on 160 in the late 
80s with my TS830S!!!! I only had about 6 radials of 45 feet or less in a 
VERY cramped back yard up against a neighbors cinder block garage.

4) BORROW someone's station. If you know someone who has a 160 antenna be 
nice and ask to do a SO or a MultiSingle-have fun.

73 fer now
Let me here your plans!

160 contest whip 

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