[NCC] Ohio QSO Party Road Trip Opportunity

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Tue Jul 27 10:28:55 PDT 2010

With the retirement of Jim/W8DRZ as my regular mobile contest  driver due 
to health issues, I am offering a first person chance for  someone to check 
out mobile contesting in the upcoming Ohio QSO Party on August  28. 
(John, AC8E, who has done a very capable job in several recent trips -  
Michigan deer encounters notwithstanding - is still available should nobody 
step  forward. But he can profitably spend his OQP time from home helping the 
Medina  club get past that OhQP club juggernaut down in Delaware county ).
Anyway, while the route is not final it will likely be a lot like the one  
of the past few years, which starts in Carroll county, heads south to 
Monroe,  then west hitting roughly a swath of counties lying about 75 miles 
outside of  Columbus,  and winding up as close to Cleveland as practical.
Skill levels open from folks who would want to just drive and watch/listen, 
 to doing an even split of operating time with someone who can keep the 
rate  up.  This means mostly CW, but still must be willing to beat on phone  
enough to get a decent multiplier total there.  
Setup is an IC-746 with multiple antennas, NA software, in a Honda Odyssey  
minivan. We'd need to leave my QTH in Cleveland by about 9:30 am Saturday.  
 I can provide an overnight bed either night to an op coming from further  
Anyone up for a fun day on the roads of Ohio in the OQP?
73  -  Jim   K8MR

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