Ray Fallen ray.fallen at gmail.com
Sun Mar 7 16:13:23 PST 2010

Had a great time...but couldn't put in as much time as I would have liked.

Everything worked very well on 20-10...need some work on 160-80-40,
so we'll be spending a couple of bucks at Dayton.

A nice run on Sunday afternoon on 20 really helped...I couldn't believe the
guys with 5 to 25 watts from EU...and even a 50 watter from JA that were

Great to have sunspots back.

Look forward to seeing everybody at Hamvention.

 Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty
   1.8       8         24    8
   3.5      51        153   37
     7     126        378   66
    14     460      1380   92
    21     250       750   73
    28      54        162   18

 Total     949    2847  294

Score: 837,018

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