[NCC] Updated ARRL SSB summations of scores

Dan Kovatch w8car at buckeye-express.com
Wed Mar 10 10:57:29 PST 2010

Gathered from reflector and 3830. If I missed you let me know via yelling or
K8MR               273   129               106,000
K8AZ                549   363               597,000
K3LR              7020   590    48 12,421,860 NCC
N8TR              1599   403    37  1,929,564 NCC
WT8C               673   268  20.5    540,288 NCC
W8CAR             435   207    13    270,135 NCC
W8KEN              523 236             369,576
K8LY                451   186             251,658
K8PP                   325 160            156,000
WB8K                 406 172            209,496
ND8L                 949  294            837,018

TOTAL SSB scores                  17,688,595
TOTAL CW scores                   38,203,820
TOTAL TOTAL                        55,878,010 !and counting!!!!

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