[NCC] Plaque thanks

tleek8az tleek8az at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 05:00:24 PDT 2010

NCC Warriors:

I received the following from Greg, K8GL:

 Please relay to the NCC my sincere gratitude at receiving your sponsored
plaque for the high  score in the Great Lakes Division Single op High Power
for the 2009 ARRL CW contest.  I was flattered to receive it today!

More importantly this plaque is a testament that our hobby of contesting is
fun and enjoyable and lets us escape for 48 hours to a world of high rates,
an unearthed  treasure of multipliers and wonderful camaraderie among us
who wait for the beautiful symphonic sounds of hearing "599100" many
times every February.

Now if I only had a 40 meter antenna!

Thanks again!


Plaque thank you notes are rare.  Nice to receive one from one of our area's
top ops.

Tom, K8AZ

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