[NCC] Help - Radio Needed for OhQP

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Wed Aug 24 17:42:03 PDT 2011

Jeff, W9MSE, has driven down from Wisconsin to join us as a mobile in the  
Ohio QSO Party this Saturday. (OK, he also has a daughter and her family who 
 live in North Canton, but we all know the real reason!)
Anyway, on the way here today his TS-570 died. Receives OK, does not  
transmit. Not so good for doing a contest.
Might anybody out there have a suitable radio that Jeff could borrow for  
the contest?  As I said, he is staying in North Canton, but I'm sure he'd  be 
willing travel a reasonable distance to pick it up and return it after the  
You can reach him at    _w9mse at yahoo.com_ (mailto:w9mse at yahoo.com)    , or 
on his cell  phone,   920-238-7859.
Thanks much,
Jim  K8MR

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