[NCC] CQ160 update from W8CAR

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sat Jan 29 05:34:39 PST 2011

Got on this morning for 84/32 low power. Last night I identified two poles  
with arcing tie wires, hopefully specific enough information that CEI will  
be able to fix them. This morning with the snow, on two meters I can trace  
noise sources in 8 different directions!
CU tonight from K8AZ where I will run while Tom malts.
73  -  Jim  K8MR 
In a message dated 1/29/2011 8:19:18 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
w8car at buckeye-express.com writes:

Glad to  work so many NCCers last night and this am. Condx seem no where 
what  we have had for the last two years but they are passable. I'm just 
600 Qs with 33 countries and I even got a 3 hour nap last night. No JA, VK  
hrd or wrked, only one HI and no AK. Guess that's why we have a second  
night. Good luck to everyone tonight!
W8CAR whipped whipper  

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