[NCC] ARRL Contest Update

tleek8az tleek8az at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 09:42:09 PDT 2011

To the NCC Warriors:

For those of you who do not receive (or have not read) the most recent ARRL
Contest Update (by N0AX), it contains the following note:

 This may be old news by the time of publication, but in case there are
rooms left, the North Coast Contesters
are pleased to announce that the Crowne Plaza in Dayton, Ohio started taking
room reservations for the 2012 Hamvention week on Monday, June 20th under
the previously announced agreement for a block rate arranged by the NCC. To
make a reservation at the special rate ($135/night) You MUST either call
this telephone number to make reservations 937-229- 9852 (special number) or
you can make them online <http://contesthotel.com/>. If you call the special
number and get the voicemail box - DO NOT leave a message - they cannot call
you back. Call back yourself. You must talk to a live operator to make a
reservation. A deposit is required at the time of reservation and the hotel
cancellation policy applies. (Thanks, Tim K3LR)

Note that Tim gave NCC credit for doing this -- but the truth is, the
enormous effort that it took to pull this off was entirely Tim's.

Huge thanks go out to our Timmy -- both for making Dayton easier to attend
and for giving credit to NCC when it rightflully belongs only to him.

73 & GL in FD & IARU to all.

Tom, K8AZ

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