[NCC] WW3S SO(a)LP score

Jamie WW3S ww3s at zoominternet.net
Mon Nov 28 16:51:59 PST 2011

  a.. wow, maybe I should have planned on operating more in this one....this is a bad time of year, with family and work obligations, and the first day of deer season in PA....I havent operated this ine for a few years....I mainly wanted to try my new 2L 40M phased verticals....early testing was somewhat disappointing, at least per the RBN, there seemed to be no difference between the array and my dipole. Friday’s nice weather allowed me to check things out, and the one element was way out of tune, so adjusted that and was hoping to see how it played....not sure if it was just condx, or the new antenna, but 40m to EU rocked !!! Even worked the 8Q somewhat easily.,....CAR was right, it shined into eastern EU....some of the zone 16 stations sounded like they were next door!!!! And Sat/Sun am the same for VK and ZL...wish I had planned more operating time...never ran until late Sat afternoon....the station played well, no software trouble, only minor glitch was my WX0B 6 pack “burped” on the one position....looked at it SUnday afternoon and it was back to normal, so not sure what happened there.....by far my personal best in this one....
Band    QSOs    Pts  Zn DX
   1.8      11      21    6    5
   3.5      51     134   13   36
     7     228     643   23   83
    14     228     641   34  104
    21     324     933   28  109
    28     403    1168   30  112
Total    1245    3540  134  449
Score: 2,063,820

congrats to all the great scores....sorry I’ll miss the AZ party (again!) I’ll be back in VP9 for ARRL RTTY......
hope to cu all in 160...

73, Jamie WW3S

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