[NCC] Fwd: PaQP K8MR Multi-Op Mobile LP

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sat Oct 15 06:20:44 PDT 2011

Pennsylvania QSO Party

Call: K8MR
Operator(s): K8MR, AF8A
Station:  K8MR

Class: Multi-Op Mobile LP
QTH: 18 Counties
Operating Time  (hrs): 9

Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  RTTY Qs   PSK31 Qs
80:    9       9                  
40:  328      77                  
20:  202      11                  
15:   24       2                  
10:    6       1                  
Total:   569     97       0         0  Mults = 93  Total  Score = 123,855

Club: North Coast Contesters


By  County, In order of appearance:

MER     38      2
LAW     13      5
BUT     21      8 
ARM     27     17
INN     24     13
CMB     48      2
BLA     24     12
HUN     24      3
CEN     17      1
CLE     59      8
CRN     27      1 
ELK     22      7
JEF     35     14
CLA     39      0 
FOR     36      2
VEN     30      2
WAR     34      0
CRA     51      0

48 ARRL Sections  1 DX  44  Counties  9000 Mobile Bonus Points

As mentioned in my W3USA/M  post, I had been looking for a driver/operator
partner for the PaQP for over  a week, when within half an hour I received 
replies. So I ended up going  out on Saturday with K8BL as W3USA/M, and then
doing Sunday with AF8A as  K8MR/M.

It was certainly a beautiful weekend to be out touring  Pennsylvania, and 
radio conditions pretty much matched the weather  conditions. I did notice 
bands going somewhat dead around 1800z Sunday,  and indeed looking at the
Spaceweather Now web site afterward, the Bz  magnetic field took a dip 
(bad) right about then. But short skip on  40, and 15 and even 10 being 
open was
a treat after all these low sunspot  years.

Overall for the weekend, the combined total was 1511 qsos, 58  unique 
and 59 unique counties, which would come out to 332,170  points, which would
have been a new record. This is of course something of  and apples/oranges
comparision, not knowing if the K8MR route could have been  moved to cover
counties not done by W3USA, but in any case it was a good  year!

73  -   Jim  K8MR

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