Nzharps at aol.com Nzharps at aol.com
Tue Sep 13 06:29:58 PDT 2011

Tim..Thanks for sharing. 
Doc was the most colorful ham I've ever known..a man filled with the joy of 
Always remember him as the guy who introduced me to "big station"  
contesting by inviting me to be the 40m daytime guy at a ZDF M/M during CQ  WW SSB 
in '75. 
He was also the guy who woke A Zed and me up in the middle of the nite at a 
 Dayton (he was standing in the hall in his underwear) to show off part  of 
his gun collection :)
He was also the guy who spent an hour at a Findlay hamfest showing off  
pictures of his "Predator" amp that was under construction..he beamed with 
pride  as he went thru the pics.
He was also the guy that woke me up early on a Sunday morning to  inform me 
that he was getting back on the air with his new call..KN8Z..we would  be 
callsign "cousins" for more than a few years. The real humor in the  
conversation was that he had "learned" the code and would be doing a lot of  CW.
So many memories..sad to lose such a spirit.
RIP Doc!
Vy 73,
Ron, K8NZ
In a message dated 9/13/2011 1:22:33 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
k3lr at k3lr.com writes:

Mad  River Radio Club charter member Doc, K8RR (WA8ZDF) - SK  today.

Doc's passion for friendship and radio were  amazing

RIP my good  friend

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