[NCC] K8RR Obituary

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Fri Sep 16 08:57:45 PDT 2011

John Richard  Sheller 

SHELLER Dr. John Richard Sheller, DDS, age  68, of Wetmore, Inwood 
Township, Michigan, formerly of Canal Winchester, Ohio,  went to be with the Lord on 
Monday, September 12, 2011 at the Munising Memorial  Hospital, Munising, 
Michigan. Born December 26, 1942 in Detroit, Michigan to the  late James 
Richard and Katharine (Schmid) Sheller, also preceded in death by son  David 
Scott Sheller and wife Sharon L. Sheller. He was a 1960 graduate of  Wooster 
High School, attended Fenn College (now Cleveland State Univ.) from  1960-61, 
Univ. of North Dakota from 1961-63, and graduated from the Ohio State  Univ., 
College of Dentistry in 1968. He enjoyed membership in the TKE fraternity  
during college. He operated a successful dental practice in Groveport, Ohio 
from  1968 until his retirement in 1997, and he and his wife moved to the 
Upper  Peninsula of Michigan in 1999. Member of the Columbus Dental Assoc., 
Ohio Dental  Assoc. and American Dental Assoc. He was a volunteer police 
officer for the  Groveport Madison Police Dept. from 1969-82, and was a volunteer 
for the Madison  Township Fire Dept. from 1969-75; he was elected to 
two-terms with the Madison  Township School Bd. from 1977-81, and was President of 
the School Bd. in 1981.  His passion was amateur radio, where his call-sign 
was K8RR, he enjoyed  electronics, building his own radio-stations, 
studying history and astronomy,  riding his snowmobile, auto racing, and politics. 
Member of the American Radio  Relay League (ARRL), Columbus Amateur Radio 
Assoc., Co-Founder of the Mad River  Radio Club, Co-Founder of the Central 
Ohio DX Radio Club, former Chairman of  ARRL, DXCC Advisory Committee, he held 
the #1 position in the ARRL, DXCC Honor  Roll, active in contesting, public 
(radio) service, founded Design Electronics,  founded DOCS High Performance, 
he raced cars from 1957-64, and competed at the  National Championships in 
Indianapolis in 1964, member of the Schoolcraft  Snowmobile Assoc., and was 
member of the MENSA Society since 1973. He attended  Groveport Presbyterian 
Church, Grace Bible Church in Canal Winchester and  currently attended 
Munising Baptist Church. Survived by loving wife of 24 years,  Brenda 
(Marchington); son, Jack Richard Sheller; grandsons, Nathan, Devin and  Caleb Sheller; 
mother-in-law, Corabelle (Brooks) Marchington; sisters-in-law,  Debra 
Marchington, Teresa Hicks and Tonita Abel Milliser; nieces and many dear  friends, 
and his golden retrievers "Shelley" "Meggie" and "Flag" were his dear  
companions. Friends may visit Friday from 12Noon-8 p.m. at the DWAYNE R. SPENCE  
FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY, 650 W. Waterloo St., Canal Winchester 43110, 
where  funeral service and celebration of life will be 11 a.m. Saturday. The 
family  will receive friends one hour prior to the service on Saturday. Rev. 
Curtis  Emerson officiating. Donations may be made to the Wounded Warrior 
Project, 4899  Belfort Rd., Jacksonville, Florida 32256 in his memory. Online 
condolences  available at www.spencefuneralhome.com

Published in The Columbus Dispatch  on September 15, 2011  

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