[NCC] The Bermuda Diddlers (WW3S and ND8L) ride again at VP9I

Ray Fallen ray.fallen at gmail.com
Sun Sep 25 17:27:57 PDT 2011

The craziness has ended...but the RTTY racket will resound in
our heads for a day or two.

A small improvement over last years' score of 1,953,304 found
us with 2325 q's, 307 DXCC, 103 Zones, 215 US/VE sections
for a raw score total of 3,318,125.

We attribute our increased score to an improvement in conditions...
for example last year we had 11 Q's on 10 meters...again, this year
a small improvement to 526 Q's.

73, Jamie and Ray

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