[NCC] Tour of Pennsylvania - October 8-9

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Thu Sep 29 16:28:34 PDT 2011

Anyone interested in a tour of Pennsylvania, for the Pennsylvania QSO  
Party, on October 8 - 9?  Planned driver AC8E has had to step out, so I'm  
looking for a driver, either someone who just loves to drive, or someone  who 
would like to share the driving and experience the fun of mobile state QSO  
party operation.
The PaQP runs from Saturday noon to 1 am EDT Sunday, and again from 9 am to 
 6 pm on Sunday. Either or both days are possible. I have the well tested  
K8MR mobile contest station, so you don't need to provide anything other 
than  that needed to please your idiosyncrasies. Either leave from my QTH in  
Cleveland, or pick you up somewhere on the way between here and PA.
The trip is always a great ride just to see the changing fall colors.   
Depending on weather and schedules, bike riding before or afterwards is  
73  -  Jim   K8MR
216-831-6954  home
216-409-2958  cell

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