[NCC] Fwd: Spring VHF Sprints Start April 9th
jimk8mr at aol.com
jimk8mr at aol.com
Mon Apr 9 07:47:47 PDT 2012
-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Sprinkmann <sprinkies at excel.net>
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Wed, Mar 28, 2012 8:49 am
Subject: Spring VHF Sprints Start April 9th
Good day,
I've had this info up at kc9bqa.com for some days now.
Spring VHF Sprints start with the 2 meter band on Monday,
April 9th, from 7-11pm in your local time zone.
Spread the word in your area and get signals on the air.
The Spring Sprints schedule has been announced. Sponsor
K9JK would like everyone to visit the Sprints website at
http://sites.google.com/site/springvhfupsprints/. Once there, you
will see a link to the 2012 dates and rules on the left. That link is
Please take a few minutes to go thru the website.
144 MHz sprint is Mon., April 9, from 7-11pm your local time.
222 MHz sprint is on Tuesday, April 17th, 7-11pm.
432 MHz sprint is on Wednesday, April 25th, 7-11pm.
Looking to May, the Microwave sprint (900 MHz and higher)
will be on Saturday morning, May 5th, from 6am - 1pm in
your local time zone.
50 MHz sprint will be Sat. evening, May 12th, starting at
2300Z time on Sat. and ending at 0300Z on Sunday, UTC time.
This would be 7-11pm in the eastern time zone.
Distance-based scoring will be used in all 5 sprints. Know and
use your 6-digit grid square. Any questions? Visit the Spring
Sprints website links provided above.
Again, spread this info in your area and get on for the sprints.
Todd KC9BQA EN63ao 40 N of Milwaukee
www.kc9bqa.com For Frequent VHF/UHF Updates
www.wivuch.com WI VHF/UHF County Hunters Award
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