[NCC] MiQP Saturday

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Fri Apr 20 18:49:17 PDT 2012

Hi All,

Tomorrow is the Michigan QSO Party, noon to midnight EDT.

NCCers K8MR w/K8BL, W1NN, and W8CAR will all be out mobile in Michigan. 
  I hope to work lots of NCCers, including our new folk up in NY (who we 
know are also involved with the NY QSO Party!).

Exchange # and QTH. 80-10 meters, multipliers count by mode.  Full info 
at www.miqp.org

If you are seriously competing, I can easily move between modes if 
signals are loud enough and I'm not running a big pileup.  Just ask.

73 & CU,

Jim   K8MR

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