[NCC] Fwd: MiQP K8MR Mobile Multi-Op LP
Jimk8mr at aol.com
Jimk8mr at aol.com
Thu Apr 26 17:37:25 PDT 2012
From: webform at b41h.net
Reply-to: jimk8mr at aol.com
To: 3830 at contesting.com, jimk8mr at aol.com
Sent: 4/26/2012 8:32:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: MiQP K8MR Mobile Multi-Op LP
Michigan QSO Party
Call: K8MR
Operator(s): K8MR, K8BL
Station: K8MR
Class: Mobile Multi-Op LP
QTH: 28 Ctys
Operating Time (hrs): 12
Band CW Qs Ph Qs
80: 54 12
40: 468 51
20: 181 62
15: 2 1
10: 0 0
Total: 705 126 CW Mults = 66 Ph Mults = 46 Total Score = 172,032
Club: North Coast Contesters
In order of appearance:
HILL 21 3 24
LENA 7 0 7
JACK 32 10 42
INGH 14 6 20
EATO 10 1 11
CLIN 48 4 52
IONI 23 4 27
GRAT 24 7 31
MIDL 25 6 31
ISAB 31 1 32
CLAR 19 3 22
GLAD 34 3 37
BAY 24 11 35
AREN 24 8 32
OGEM 38 7 45
ROSC 20 5 25
CRAW 19 15 34
OTSE 37 7 44
CHEB 9 1 10
CHAR 17 0 17
ANTR 38 4 42
KALK 41 4 45
GRTR 21 1 22
WEXF 42 4 46
MISS 23 1 24
OSCE 24 6 30
MECO 26 2 28
NEWA 14 2 16
TOTAL 705 126 831
Once again, a nice ride around Michigan to welcome spring. A nice sunny but
cool day. We often see the last snow of the year on the MiQP trip, but none
this year, either in the air or laying on a shaded embankment way up
north. I
don't even recall seeing any deer other than a few dead ones along side the
This year I teamed up with Bob, K8BL, for the trip. Bob enjoys driving and
enjoy operating, so it was a good match with me doing most of the oping
for a few bathroom and stretch the muscles breaks.
A couple of minor navigation errors led us do deviations from the route
We mistakenly got on I-96 west out of Lansing instead of I-69 east. The
exit after that was only about 3 miles from IONI, so we continued there and
ended up missing SHIA. We also missed the exit off M131 to get to LAKE, but
then worked WD8S in Lake about 2 minutes later so we did not head back to
there. OTOH we did manage to squeeze in CHEB, CHAR, and MISS that were only
tentatively planned.
The only equipment problem was the computer going catatonic about the time
leaving EATO. Fixed by reseating the HDD. (I switch HDDs from the normal
XP one
to a MSDOS to run NA for contest logging. It apparently had not been in
firmly enough). While trying to fix it had K7ZYV in MS calling in, but I
couldn't work him. Thankfully he called in later, but only once. Glad I
did not
miss that mult for that reason.
Activity seemed been a bit lower, and/or conditions were somewhat depressed
during the afternoon. I was worried that Tennessee had been hit by an
earthquake or something, as that usually very common state did not make it
the log until about 8 hours into the contest. During the afternoon a lot
of big
in state stations were weaker than earlier or later on 40, and CQ'd in my
We did enjoy keeping the faithful supplied with QSOs and mults on both
Thanks to all who took part. I hope to see you all in the Ohio QSO
Party on August 25, as well as in Dayton in May.
73 - Jim K8MR
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