[NCC] Happy Holidays

KQ8M kq8m at kq8m.com
Fri Dec 28 19:07:12 EST 2012

Greetings fellow NCC'ers.


I hope everyone had a very merry holiday and received what you wanted.


January is almost upon us and with that brings on 2013 and a new year for NCC.


Reno, WT8C, has stepped down as Secretary/Treasurer and I have taken up the mantle. Let me tell you, after receiving and looking
over the books Reno kept, I have no clue how I am going to be able to follow that! GREAT job Reno. You have made the transition very
easy and painless. Also, thank you for the job you have done in your years as Secretary/Treasurer.


On that note, January also brings on dues month. Dues are currently $20 per year. Please make checks out to Timothy Herrick and mail


Tim Herrick

7833 Hidden Hollow Dr.

Mentor, OH 44060


Please mark you callsigns on the checks. I will be taking dues at the annual K8AZ party (January 5th, 3pm). Tom will have a get
together and the NCC meeting will follow at about 7pm when most will head over to K8MR's annual party. You can pay then.


I hope to see as many as can make it.



Tim Herrick, KQ8M

Charter Member North Coast Contesters

kq8m at kq8m.com


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