[NCC] New Rochester members

tleek8az tleek8az at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 05:30:24 PST 2012


The new NCC members aren't yet on the reflector, but I'm about to send a
welcome email.  If you have the chance, it would be great if those of you
who can find time could send a short personal welcome to each of these guys
-- let's make them feel part of this great club.

 Mark, K2AXX, mark at k2axx.com

Andy K0SM (Aflowers), aflowers at frontiernet.net

Tom N2CU n2cu at roadrunner.com

Paul WB2ABD, wb2abd at roadrunner.com

Andy K2TJ (muiium) muiium at gmail.com

Ken N2ZN n2zn at rochester.rr.com

Ray NM2O nm2o at rochester.rr.com

Joe K8FC k8fc at k8fc.com

Jeff W2FU jeff at greenheronengineering.com

Thanks & 73,

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