[NCC] North Coast Contesters - ARRL DX CW report - adding ND8L and K8PP

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr at k3lr.com
Thu Feb 23 08:57:43 PST 2012

Please let me know if you were on for the contest - but not on this list

W9ZRX 546,642 POINTS
W3IQ 593,190
K8BL 14,700
K8LY 235,545
N8TR 1,750,113
N8AA 2,131,632
W1NN 13,083
WW3S 1,383,459
W3GH 10,191
K3CR 5,870,760
ND8L 313,686
K8PP 151,709
W2FU 12,463,512 - NCC OPS WB2ABD, K0SM, N2CU, K2TJ, N2PP, NM2O, W2FU
K8AZ 5,843,601 - NCC OPS K8MR, KQ8M, W8CAR, W8WTS, WT8C, K8AZ
K3LR 16,246,521 - NCC OPS N3SD, N3GJ, K3UA, VE3EJ, K3LR

Bands should be great in 10 days for the Phone ARRL DX Contest.

CU then!

Tim K3LR

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