[NCC] News - WRTC2014 Station Test in IARU HF Championship

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr at k3lr.com
Thu Jul 12 07:41:53 PDT 2012

July 12, 2012


WRTC2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship
competition, will be conducting station tests during the 2012 IARU HF
Championship contest this weekend. Thirteen stations will be set up in the
WRTC competition configuration using sites planned for 2014. Awards will be
offered for working the WRTC test stations.

"This is an important milestone in our preparation efforts," said WRTC
Chairman, Doug Grant, K1DG. "Beam teams will collect equipment and do the
setup and tear down of tower and antennas at each site. Site teams will be
responsible for managing the site and the generator for the weekend.
Operating teams have volunteered to put the stations on the air so we can
gather data on propagation and site effectiveness. It will be exciting to
finally convert planning and preparation into action."

The callsigns to be used by the WRTC test sites are:

The test stations will be active on 10 - 80 meters on both CW and SSB. The
contest runs for 24 hours beginning 1200 UTC on July 12. Many of the test
stations will be operating according to the WRTC competition rules

"One mission of the station test is to confirm that all sites are relatively
equal," said Tom Frenaye, K1KI, Director of the Site Acquisition and Testing
Committee. "As you hear or work the test stations, please make a note of
their signals in comparison to the other WRTC test stations." Signal reports
and other feedback should be sent to info at wrtc2014.org.

To help generate more activity and data, WRTC2014 is offering awards to
encourage people to work the test stations. The awards are:
* A WRTC T-shirt will be awarded to the 5 callsigns (outside W1) that work
the WRTC test stations on the most band-modes.
* A WRTC T-shirt will be awarded to the 3 callsigns outside North America
that work the WRTC test stations on the most band-modes.
* Everyone who works the WRTC test stations on 4 or more band-modes will be
entered into a drawing to win a WRTC mouse pad or hat. Ten winners will be

See the WRTC shop for description of the prizes: http://shop.wrtc2014.org

No log submissions are required. Simply work the test stations on as many
band modes as possible. IARU HQ stations are not eligible for the awards.
Logs from the test stations will be made public.

Pictures and other information about the station tests will be available on
the WRTC2014 web site after the contest.

For information about WRTC2014, contact WRTC Chairman, Doug Grant, K1DG, via
e-mail at k1dg at wrtc2014.org.

About WRTC2014

The World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) is held every four years and
consists of approximately 50 two-person teams of amateur radio operators
from around the world competing in a test of operating skill. Unlike most
on-the-air competitions, all stations are required to use identical antennas
from the same geographic region, eliminating all variables except operating
ability. Previous WRTCs have been held in Seattle(1990), San
Francisco(1996), Slovenia(2000), Finland(2002), Brazil(2006), and
Russia(2010). More information is available at www.wrtc2014.org or contact
WRTC Chairman, Doug Grant, K1DG, via e-mail at k1dg at wrtc2014.org.

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