[NCC] A little something for RTTY show and tell

Ray Fallen ray.fallen at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 05:01:59 PDT 2012


For those of you who are RTTY fans...here's a relatively new feature in N1MM
that enables you to not only stack and retrieve calls received when you are
running guys...
but moves new mults to the top of the stack.

Not sure when this was implemented...but I'm using N1MM Ver 12.2.3 and it's
in there.

If you can't read the attached image...from the digital interface window...

Setup > Digital Call Stacking > FIFO - Mults First

You have to use the N1MM LOGTHENPOP macro...but there are video clips on the
website that explain how to do that...and there are pre-written macro files
for many of the popular contests that implement this feature.  It is WAY

In a nutshell, what it does is...you work a guy...and instead of doing the
QRZed thing,
the macro does:  "K8AZ, TU...Now WT8C 599-002."   The video clips will
explain it
much better than I can...but you can really get some rate going on RTTY.
Can't wait
to try it at VP9I this fall!!!

Hope to see many of you guys on BARTG this weekend instead of that
subversive commie, pinko, radical
un-American, left-wing contest.


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