tleek8az tleek8az at gmail.com
Wed May 23 14:27:28 PDT 2012

This is indeed sad news.

Duane was an enthusiastic NCC member and participant -- and back in the day
when submission of a minimum number of contest logs per year was a
membership requirement, Duane always came through.

For those of you who don't attend the NCC Contesters Banquet (organized at
Dayton every year by our K3LR), each year K1AR reads off a list of names of
SKs and elicits a long moment of silence.  Each year, the list grows longer
-- and each year we recognize more and more of those calls.  It's a
sobering thought -- and another good reason to honor and treasure the very
special fellowship and friends we have through NCC and our great hobby.

RIP, Duane.  We'll work you on the other side.


On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Tim Duffy K3LR <k3lr at k3lr.com> wrote:

> With great sadness - Duane Spatar, K8DI (formally NG8D) - SK.
> I learned about Duane's passing at Dayton this year - from another ham that
> had close ties with him.
> Although not active recently, Duane was a super NCC member in the early
> 90s.
> Duane operated at K3LR and hosted several K3UA contest operations.
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