[NCC] Post to 3830?

WW3S ww3s at zoominternet.net
Fri Oct 5 16:31:29 EDT 2012

went well....disappointed in the results, but certainly not the 
effort....ended up just shy of last year, with around 3.6 million.....looks 
like #2 world, #1 NA (I think it's safe to say we won Bermuda!!)....looks 
like P40G took #1, the 3 points from being in SA was just too much to 
overcome....they beat us be a little over 100qs, but we had more mults, but 
with the 3 pointers, they had about 4.3 million, which would be a new world 
record for M/S LP....condx were funky on Sunday, with a total blackout on 
Monday, except for the 3D2C on 30m....weirdest thing, well past on sunrise, 
we could copy both the 3D2 and the west coast pileup well over S9, yet hear 
nothing else....the Q-52 mini beam from N6BT played well I thought, and the 
homebrew 2x6 antenna switch was a definite help....software glitch cost the 
mult station almost 2 hrs, but I dont think that was a significant impact to 
our score....hard to belive we had VU,HZ, 9M, VK7, etc but didnt get 
Arkansas until about 10 minutes left !!!!! (and never got WY, though we saw 
him a few times....)...thanks to all the NCCers for the qsos....RTTY sprint 
coming up next weekend I think, have to get the home station back 

73, Jamie WW3S

On 10/5/2012 2:29:59 PM, Tim Duffy K3LR (k3lr at k3lr.com) wrote:
> How did it go in VP9?
> Did you guys post to 3830?

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