[NCC] NY QSO Party Tomorrow

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Fri Oct 19 15:23:07 EDT 2012

Tomorrow (Saturday) is the New York QSO Party. A bunch of the guys involved 
 with organizing this event are among the new NCC members, so we would do 
well to  support them by making at least a quick appearance in their party.
I'll be supporting them by driving up to Rochester, where Linda & I  will 
be visiting our former next door neighbors, and I will be heading out for a  
rover operation from several counties south and east of there.
The NYQP starts at 10 am EDT (earlier than most other parties) and runs to  
10 pm EDT.  I plan to be back to be social with our friends by dinnertime,  
but hope to work lots of you while I'm out in NY.
73  -  Jim  K8MR

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