[NCC] FW: [MRRC] SSB Sprint Team / Participation

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr at k3lr.com
Tue Sep 11 23:42:21 EDT 2012

Sorry that I couldn't get on the whole CW Sprint last Saturday night.  I
tried to work as many as I could in those last 50 minutes.
How about we make a MRRC / NCC SSB Sprint team for this Saturday evening? 
I will register it if you are willing to be on the team.
If you don't think you want to commit to being on the team, please plan on
getting on and making a few contacts with the SSB Sprint participants.
Every contact helps.  And thanks to N8XX for getting on the team and
operating last time so that we managed to get the MI mult.
73 ES TNX Bob KW8N

(Sorry if you already received this.  Got a mesage that it had bounced so
sending again.)
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