[NCC] CQ Rochester

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Wed Sep 12 23:43:04 EDT 2012

To our Rochester friends, who also seem to be the same people who run the  
New York QSO Party:
I'm always up for a mobile contest, though in the case of New York it is  
far enough away that it would require another excuse to make the trip.
I have come up with such an excuse. Our former next door neighbors live in  
Pittsford, and we enjoy seeing them. In particular the ladies would have a 
great  time sitting around drinking wine all day while I'd be out driving 
around  playing contest.
So, anybody interested in joining me for a NYQP mobile jaunt? Either  
somebody who loves to drive while I operate, or somebody who would like to  
experience the fun of mobile contesting. The K8MR mobile superstation is a Honda  
Odyssey with Hustler and HamSticks that cover 80-15 (or 80-10 if you skip 
75  SSB). 
Local advice would be welcome for route planning. Optimizing planned county 
 coverage is good, I'd just not want to do too much driving before or after 
the  contest.
Let me know,
Jim  K8MR

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