[NCC] Honey, I'm Home

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sun Apr 21 15:53:02 EDT 2013

Back safe and sound after a great trip around MI. Deer population  
unaffected by our presence.
WOW!  1090 CW, 379 SSB QSOS. This beats my previous MI/QH record by  400 
QSOs!  Activated 30 counties. Great conditions, 40 stayed short (and  still 
got long), until the very end.
Thanks to all, especially the critical mass of top notch CW ops who  
followed me around the state, and were also willing and able to quickly QSY  to 
One addition to the K8MR station since last time: a digital voice recorder. 
 I recorded the entire contest, and will make the recording available once 
I get  around to it. (This might be after the log deadline to avoid any 
appearance of  undue advantage to anybody).
More details later.
73  -  Jim  K8MR

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