[NCC] Expedition Planning

Ray Conrad NM2O nm2o at rochester.rr.com
Thu Aug 1 11:33:20 EDT 2013

The CQ WW contest statistics page shows overall statistics and 
the number of entries per country since 1996. 
Since CQ WW CW is not Thanksgiving weekend this year, it might be a good time to 
plan an expedition. 
I'm joining PJ2T this year. It's interesting to see that PJ2 has had essentially 
one entry for years and years -- PJ2T. 
The link is: http://www.cqww.com/stats.htm 
You can select each DXCC country. Note that some countries have not been on in 
CQ WW for the past 17 years. 
On thought is to have an "expedition registration" site of some sort. That can 
avoid having perhaps 5 expeditions to one island, while the adjacent island is 
QRT. The NG3K site shows who's going where, but it's not clear if coordination 
is done via that site. 

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