[NCC] NAQP Claimed Scores Summary

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Thu Aug 8 08:54:51 EDT 2013

Hi Gang,

It looks like our campaign to promote activity and boost our team scores in the NAQP CW contest has paid off.  All 25 members signing up for one of the five teams we fielded managed to get on the air for at least a little while.  Good show, guys!  I hope everyone had fun.    

I have seen scores for 24 of the 25 ops.  The only op whose score I have not seen is that for KW8N, who I think operated for just a short time.

Before I go any futher, I would like to remind everyone to submit their scores to the contest sponsor by Saturday.  The deadline is 7 days after the end of the contest.

We fielded two teams of ops who planned to operate full time - the Tigers and the Lions.  There was no easy way to rank these ops so the team assignments were more or less random.  I personally thought that the Tigers (N8AA, N8SS, K8FC, K2TJ and W8CAR) might triumph over the Lions (NW2K, NA8V, N8EA, K8BL and W1NN) but in the event the Lions came out on top and it looks like they will end up in 5th place nationwide.  But the Tigers also put in an excellent performance and it looks like they will come in 9th place.  Two MRRC/NCC teams in the top ten!  Well done.

Had our five top scorers been on the same team, their combined scores would have placed them 4th out of 67 teams in the team competition!  This shows that when we put our minds to something, we can perform!  And a lot of our best ops were not active or put in just a few hours.  

You can see the team scores at 3830scores.com.  Click on the contest name shown in blue at the top of the page and scroll down to where the team scores are shown.  Note that K8FC's score is not shown in the Tigers but this should be corrected in the final results.

Here are the claimed scores for the top scoring stations in order of their scores.  This listing will determine the members of the MRRC/NCC #1 and #2 teams in the January 2014 NAQP.  I have included a couple of the part-timers who produced good scores.  Congratulations to K2TJ for producing the top score by quite a margin.  Note that these scores are claimed scores so the final ranking could change somewhat after log checking.  

Several ops had various equipment problems and in particular N8SS was operating with half a station, so these standings just show the results of a single contest and nothing more.  But these scores give us something to build on for future team competitions.  If this "merit-based team assignment system" takes off, we will hopefully see more participants fighting for the right to a spot on the top team, leading to even higher standings in the national team competition.  First place is not an impossible dream!

Top Scoring MRRC/NCC ops (claimed scores)

K2TJ     184,697
W1NN   167,056
NW2K   166,320
NA8V    159,597
N8AA    154,602

N8EA    151,872
K8BL     136,338
W8CAR 110,840
K8FC     106,272
N8SS     87,725

WB8JUI  81,842
W8TM    63,928
N2CU     57,200
K8GT     47,498
W8WTS 40,817 

Please let me know if there are any mistakes in the above.

The NA Sprint is just a little over 4 weeks away on Saturday, September 8 (0000Z September 9).  Anyone interested in trying something similar for it?

73, Hal W1NN 

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