[NCC] NCC invitation

tleek8az tleek8az at gmail.com
Tue Aug 13 14:40:13 EDT 2013

Dave, Steve and Roy,

As you know, North Coast Contesters is an invitation-only contest club.
 Following the NCC "SummerFest" meeting at K3LR's, we processed an email
vote on your membership and I am pleased that the membership has authorized
me to extend an offer of membership to you.  Congratulations!

The club website is at www.northcoastcontesters.com   Unfortunately it is
NOT up to date.  Dues go to Tim, KQ8M, but they are waived for new members.
 Dues are assessed for the club's sponsorship of plaques, web maintenance
and the occasional worthy cause, and are usually paid at the club's annual
meeting, which is traditionally at the K8AZ open house held the first
Saturday of January.

Welcome to the club!

Tom, K8AZ

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