[NCC] Good HF Amplifier for sale

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Tue Feb 5 17:56:37 EST 2013

I have a Kenwood TL-922A amplifier for sale. I purchased it used as a
potential back up amp, although it was never used at K3LR.

W3YQ recently checked it out. It will produce about 1000 watts on most bands
in the CW tap (less on 10 meters) and much more than that with the SSB tap. 

I have photos that W3YQ took, which I can send to you.

The TL-922A is a unique amplifier because it covers 160 through 10 in one
box and has handles on the side of the cabinet.

More info is here:

This is a good low cost KW amp. Let me know if you are interested

Tim K3LR

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