Jeffrey Ach w2fu at frontiernet.net
Sun Feb 24 02:30:40 EST 2013

The team did extremely well even with the handicap I added by being the run
guy on one of the positions.  But, I think I was getting the real hang of it
by about halfway through.


KU5B at NX5M beat us by a very small margin, we both broke the record for this
one, and I'm expecting even a better score out of W6YX, but we'll have to


Lots of NCC'ers to work, thanks for all the support.





                   North American QSO Party, RTTY - February


Call: NU2F

Operator(s): W2FU,K0SM,N2ZN,NW2K

Station: W2FU


Class: M/2 LP


Operating Time (hrs): 12



Band  QSOs  Mults


   80:  325    53

   40:  477    58

   20:  299    52

   15:  212    47

   10:   90    15


Total: 1403   225  Total Score = 315,675


Club: North Coast Contesters



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