[NCC] Dues

KQ8M kq8m at kq8m.com
Mon Jan 28 20:41:07 EST 2013

Here we are at the end of the dues month. Many have paid and others have not. I will be sending out emails thanking those that have
paid and request from those that haven't.


Unfortunately, I am suffering from severe headaches from one of my medications and have started taking classes at the local
community college so it is tough getting through the day. Please bear with me. No worries, if you have paid it is recorded the day I
receive them. If you haven't paid then the long arm of KQ8M will rain down upon you and smite you to the ground. Yea right!



Tim Herrick, KQ8M

Charter Member North Coast Contesters

kq8m at kq8m.com


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