[NCC] (no subject)

Jon Kovacs jonlk1040 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 19:38:51 EST 2013

           ARRLDXSSB Score Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2013-03-01

    CallSign Used : K8LY
      Operator(s) : K8LY  SOABLP

     ARRL Section : OH
        Club/Team : North Coast Contesters
         Software : N1MM Logger V12.2.1

        Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty
         3.5      59     177   34
           7     103     309   53
          14     143     429   53
          21     194     582   76
          28     172     516   66
       Total    * 671*    2013  282       * Score : 567,666*
Didnt work all hours I wanted, not an all nite person anymore, hi hi.... I
knew I was in trouble by 9:00pm Friday nite when
Murphy struck my FT1000MP taking a dump on me and locking up on 40
meters!!!   It is still locked up on 40, howerver the good part is that
it is going to the shop to be looked at this week anyhow  and will come
back better than new. My backup  FT 950, still suprises me, not the
radio the FT1000MP is, but still has some nice features and managed to get
me to the end.   Then Saturday nite,  we lost power in our
part of Howland Corners for almost an hour, but took advantage of that to
run out and get xyl and I some beer and pizza... Heard lots
of NCC, K3LR, and K8AZ members...

I think more than anything, the best thing I have going for me besides the
rigs is a great beam, and my Skyhawk is a kickass beam.

So all in all, and for the time I did get in, it all ends up as more points
for NCC team!!!

Hope we do well...

Jon k8ly

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