[NCC] WPX CW KC3R LZ4AX op submitted for NCC

KQ8M kq8m at kq8m.com
Mon May 27 20:59:38 EDT 2013

Call: KC3R

Operator(s): LZ4AX

Station: K3CR


Class: SOAB HP

QTH: State College, PA

Operating Time (hrs): 36

Location: USA

Radios: SO2R

Summary:   Compare Scores

Band    QSOs

160:      0

80:        81

40:        866

20:        1374

15:        665

10:        22

Total:    3008     Prefixes            999       Total Score       8,522,469



Club: North Coast Contesters

Comments:     2013-05-27 14:35:26

No fifteen - no joy. That's the K3CR motto recently.

Perfect conditions to win from W3. Only needed to get the 15 meter antennas

straight. This is where I failed. Multiple attempts, including a desperate

climb just before sunrise on Saturday, to put in temporary fixes but no luck.

The bottom antenna was the only one that worked. While it is not a bad antenna

by any means - 48 ft OWA at 60 ft - it doesn't even get close to the whole 200

ft high three-stack. It is, however, the only antenna in the stack that is not

rotatable. It is fixed to EU, which meant no JA on 15. Still managed to get a

couple using the SA tribander but there were some JA prefixes there left for

next year. 10 meter antenna was also stuck to EU but there were no high

expectations for 10 anyway.

Ugh, excuses, excuses ... truth is - wanted to cut Krassy some slack :)


Despite the bad start, as the contest progressed, the things were getting

better and better. Inside everything just clicked, not a single problem. I did

get in a groove and at the end felt like not getting enough radio for 36 hours.

Unfortunately, we will have to tear down the station this summer to fix the

multiple antenna problems and completely redesign the shack. Hope to be back

for CQWW.


Congrats to K1LZ, K0DQ, K5ZD, AA3B, N5DX! It was fun competing with you guys.


Thanks to Jim, WA3FET, for the help in fighting the problems on Friday and

letting me operate the station again.


73, Alex LZ4AX


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