[NCC] 160 Four Square - extra help

Eric NO3M no3m at no3m.net
Tue Oct 15 20:20:30 EDT 2013

I will be erecting three more verticals to complete a 160M four square.  
Tenative plans were to raise them Sunday, Oct 20.  Weather isn't looking 
so promising, so may re-schedule to Saturday or Sunday of the following 
weekend (26,27).  Wonder if anyone is interested in provided some extra 

The verticals are 87 ft aluminum tubing; will be raised with a 40 ft 
extension ladder using the falling derrick method.  Original vertical 
was put up that way with myself and neighbor, but a couple extra guys to 
manage guy ropes (small adjustments while raising) would be helpful.  
QTH is 10 miles north of Meadville along Rt. 86.

73 Eric NO3M

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