k8bl at ameritech.net
Tue Oct 29 00:19:01 EDT 2013
Fitting Quote:
“It's not bragging if you can really do it”
― Babe Ruth
Tom...... You brought it all together!!! Congrats! .....Bob K8BL
From: "Lee, Thomas J." <tlee at taftlaw.com>
To: "kenke3x at gmail.com" <kenke3x at gmail.com>; "kl7wv at kl7wv.com" <kl7wv at kl7wv.com>; "Bostwick, John AC8E" <ac8e at zoominternet.net>; Bill Gaines <ad8p at wcoil.com>; Connie Tonsi <cj2t at att.net>; "Doob, Fred K8PP" <fdoob at pro-iroda.com>; "Offutt, Hal W1NN" <hal at japancorporateresearch.com>; "Galm, Jim W8WTS" <jim at w8wts.com>; "Stahl, Jim K8MR" <jimk8mr at aol.com>; "Kovacs, John K8LY" <jonlk1040 at gmail.com>; "Chisholm, Don K8BB" <k8bb at comcast.net>; "Liddy, Bob K8BL" <k8bl at ameritech.net>; "Surma, Greg K8GL" <k8gl at sbcglobal.net>; "Herrick, Tim KQ8M" <kq8m at kq8m.net>; "Hannon, Bill N8PW" <n8pw at neo.rr.com>; "Michaelis, Pete N8TR" <n8tr at roadrunner.com>; "Harps, Ron K8NZ" <nzharps at aol.com>; "Ordy, Greg W8WWV" <ordy at seed-solutions.com>; "Fallen, Ray ND8L" <ray.fallen at gmail.com>; "Chilcote, Rick K8ZH" <rchilcote at k8zh.com>; "Tonsi, Reno WT8C" <rmtonsi at att.net>; "Duncan, Scott KK8D" <seaisland215 at neo.rr.com>; Scott Dickson <w5wz at w5wz.com>; "Kovach, Dan W8CAR"
<w8car at buckeye-express.com>; "Jakubisin, Dennis WB8K" <wb8k at att.net>
Cc: "Comella, John N8AA" <jscomella at gmail.com>; "Robbins, Scott W4PA" <w4pa at yahoo.com>; Jeff Ach W2FU <w2fu at frontiernet.net>; "Bellamy, Steve AA8MX" <sgbellamy at earthlink.net>; "Durham, Marty W1MD" <w1md at arrl.net>; "rus.healy at gmail.com" <rus.healy at gmail.com>; "Hayes, Bob KW8N" <kw8n at aol.com>; "Howard, Geoff W0CG" <ghoward at kent.edu>; "Duffy, Tim K3LR" <k3lr at k3lr.com>; "Kinzli, Jeff N6GQ" <kinzli at gmail.com>; "Zeph, David L W9PA" <zephd at indy.rr.com>
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2013 11:47 PM
Subject: CQWW SSB
Hola to the Crew!
Another absolutely amazing weekend at 'AZ. Before this past weekend, the high score at 'AZ for CQWW SSB multi-single was 8.9 million. This year, we beat that score by a wide margin.
Huge thanks to this year's operating crew: K8BL. K8MR, K8NZ, WB8K and WT8C. Special kudos to K8MR, who had an amazing 267 hour on 10m -- plus two other hours at or near 200.
The huge efforts on antennas in summer 2012 and last summer -- for which many of the Crew devoted countless hours -- have now paid off. Thanks much to all.
Score breakdown:
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 26 13 24
80: 157 22 74
40: 549 33 110
20: 1058 40 139
15: 1175 39 138
10: 1176 37 148
Total: 4741 184 633 Total Score = 11,022,964
Next weekend, K8MR will return here around 20z to do his SS CW thing. And we'll be on full force for CQWW CW --- and this year, it's NOT Thanksgiving weekend, but Nov. 22-4. CU then.
Tom, K8AZ
Tom, K8AZ
Taft /
Thomas J. Lee/ Partner
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
200 Public Square, Suite 3500
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2302
Tel: 216.241.2838 • Fax: 216.241.3707
Direct: 216.706.3875 • Cell: 440.823.0820
www.taftlaw.com/ tlee at taftlaw.com
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