[NCC] W1AW in OhQP

Jim K8MR via NCC ncc at contesting.com
Fri Aug 1 11:30:15 EDT 2014

The Ohio QSO Party, by design, is happening during W1AW/8 week in Ohio. 
I have blocked out the OhQP hours in the W1AW/8 schedule, and now need 
people to fill those slots. I'm giving the first opportunities to MRRC 
and NCC members. If no or not enough takers, I'll be opening it up to 
others in several days.

I'm open to how things get done. While the simplest way would be one 
very well staffed multi-multi, it can be done with a bunch of single 
ops around the state. It will just take coordination between stations 
to keep it to one W1AW on any given band-mode at a time.

To keep things simple, the W1AW stations will not need to send or 
receive a serial number. Others can log their W1AW qsos with a received 
number of 59, 599, or whatever. We won't be checking serial numbers for 
the W1AW qsos. So jumping around bands will not require coordinating 
serial numbers between W1AW stations.

So if you'd like to have some major fun with both W1AW and OhQP, let me 
know. Out of state visitors are also welcome, we'll try to find you a 
good home if you want to join in!

73  -  Jim   K8MR

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