[NCC] Rohn stuff for sale

Tim Jellison w3yq at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 22 10:19:01 EDT 2014

I have the following Rohn stuff for sale.  All is located at my QTH in
Elkins WV.

9 sections of 45G and one 45AG top section.  The tower was up for a
while but there is no rust. It was painted brown when installed and much
of the paint has since worn off, which you can see in the photo, but the
galvanizing is fine and there's no rust.  $1200

Two GA45GD guy brackets  for 45G $125 each.  Very good condition.

Two GA25GD guy brackets for 25G $75 each.  Some surface corrosion but
they're in good condition.

One GA55GD.  Brand new in the box (no photo attached).  $150

Three equalizer plates with two turnbuckles attached each.  $50 each

Tim Jellison W3YQ/KL7WV
KL7WV Tower Service
304 704 1196
kl7wv at kl7wv.com

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