[NCC] TBDC (Stew Perry) 160M contest - SAT/SUN

Eric NO3M no3m at no3m.net
Fri Dec 26 14:48:46 EST 2014

Holiday Greetings to All!

The TopBand Distance Challenge (TBDC) (aka Stew Perry) 160M contest 
starts at 11 AM EST (1500Z) Saturday and runs to 11 AM EST (1500Z) 
Sunday morning.  There is a 14 hour operating time limit.  For complete 
rules, see:


Hope to hear everyone on.  Check out the various awards being sponsored: 

While conditions on 160M are far from great, things seem to be 
improving, at least momentarily.  I had a nice run of around 100 EU 
stations as W1AW/3 last night.  Haven't been QRV around sunrise lately, 
but seems there may have been a recent LP opening and also some VK/JA.

I'll be operating as W1AW/3 this year, hoping for back-to-back #1 US score.

GL to all and enjoy the holidays.

73 Eric NO3M

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