[NCC] 1ST ARRL DX CW whippage

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Mon Feb 3 20:14:21 EST 2014

   K8MR will be continuing life as a Florida snowbird. I don't know if there might be anything at some sort of real station within a suitable distance. Or I may just try a tamer version of my HI/K8MR beach operation, by taking my KX3 to a suitable (i.e. north facing) waterfront park for a few 5NN FL contacts.
  Either way it won't be any points to the NCC (or MRRC) totals.
  73? -? Jim?? K8MR
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Tim Duffy <k3lr at k3lr.com>
  To: 'Dan Kovatch' <w8car at buckeye-express.com>; ncc <ncc at contesting.com>
  Sent: Mon, Feb 3, 2014 7:57 pm
  Subject: Re: [NCC] 1ST ARRL DX CW whippage
  K3LR will be multi multi with NCC ops K3UA, N3SD, VE3EJ and N3GJ 
  Conditions might be pretty good 
  Tim K3LR 
  -----Original Message----- 
  From: NCC [mailto:ncc-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dan Kovatch 
  Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 3:48 PM 
  To: ncc at contesting.com 
  Subject: [NCC] 1ST ARRL DX CW whippage 
  Okay, What happens in just under two weeks? ARRL DX CW!! One of the BEST  
  contests around. Come one and all. 
  Now, let us know your plans (What? You HAVE no plan? Get with it!) Post to  
  me or the reflector and I'll summarize as we gain momentum. Condx are  
  fantastic now with the SF @ 190. Who knows where it will be in 12 days. 
  Just so you know, I WILL resort to blackmail, harrassment and other forms of 
  "motivation" to get people on. 
  I plan to be at the FANTASTIC K8AZ super station where Tom lets me use big  
  antennas and great radios to enhance my feelings of power,I mean, work lots  
  of rate and mults! 
  The floggings will start soon so let me hear from you to avoid pain! 
  Dan W8CAR ARRL DX CW whipper dude  
  NCC mailing list 
  NCC at contesting.com 
  NCC mailing list 
  NCC at contesting.com 

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