[NCC] Whippage result #1

Dan Kovatch w8car at buckeye-express.com
Tue Feb 4 16:03:37 EST 2014

Well, I'm impressed that so many are looking at the reflector and responded.

The start: We have

K3LR multi multi with K3UA N3GJ N3SD VE3EJ
K8AZ multi 2 K8NZ W8CAR W3YQ
ND8L Full time SO (1.5 mil goal!)
K8CX  Full time?

(K8BL, K8MR, operating  southern vacation mobile-their floggings will be 
administered at Dayton!)

QRZ? more?
Dan, W8CAR (cat o'nine tails begins soaking in salt water this weekend)

Everyone stay safe in the predicted snow "event"!!! 

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