[NCC] Whippage 3.0 ARRLDX CW

Dan Kovatch w8car at buckeye-express.com
Mon Feb 10 14:22:59 EST 2014

Time grows near for the ARRL CW. Still need to hear from people. Who will be 
on for NCC!!!!!?????
FYI: Don't forget CWOPS this Wednesday for a neat way to warm up.

More intimidation will follow-you will have FUN or else!
Really, this is one of the BIGGIES! Make some RF and rack up some points.

(K8MR and K8BL - the deprogramming teams are mobilized-what is this vacation 

K3LR multi multi with K3UA N3GJ N3SD VE3EJ
K8AZ multi 2 K8NZ W8CAR W3YQ N8AA K8PP
ND8L Full time SO (1.7 mil goal!)
K8CX  Full time?
WW3S SOLP full time
W2FU multi multi NW2K N2ZN K0SM N2CU WB2ABD K8FC

Need to hear from more!
Dan W8CAR CWOP #1220
Cat o' nine is ready for deployment! 

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