wb2abd at roadrunner.com wb2abd at roadrunner.com
Sun Feb 16 23:10:22 EST 2014

WB2ABD SOAB LP unassisted  11 hrs.

 Band      QSOs    Pts  Cty
   1.8       7      21    7
   3.5      55     165   38
     7      75     225   47
    14     156     468   58
    21     128     384   47
    28     127     381   50
 Total     548    1644  247

Score: 406,068

K3  3el Steppir @ 40ft  inv vees @ 60 ft

more lost time - dog was sick

CSX and NS RR tracks are about 3/4 mi away, crossing 18 Mile Creek gorge, which our house is rather close to. Sometimes trains wait on the sidings. Sunday afternoon, waiting trains' air horn goes off and gets stuck ... east wind, cold air, resonant tube ... tones quite noticeable in the house. Continues for an hour and a half! I kept twisting the K3s notch control but it wouldn't work  :-) . Sure could have used noise cancelling earphones, cuz it got old after just a few minutes.

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