[NCC] ARRL dx cw contest

Jon Kovacs jonlk1040 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 17 13:12:50 EST 2014

           ARRLDXCW Score Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2014-02-15

    CallSign Used : K8LY
      Operator(s) : K8LY

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
             Band : ALL
            Power : LOW
             Mode : CW

        Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty
         3.5      73     219   46
           7      83     249   42
          14     139     417   68
          21     170     510   66
          28     155     465   73
       Total     620    1860  295

            Score : 548,700

Not a stellar performance, but points are points.   Had to concentrate on
80 meters as I only need 15 more for 5-Band DXCC and figured this was as
good a time as any.   Grandkids didn't make contest easy, however I told
xyl that it was time to send them home, and home they went.   Saw a lot of
new prefix's, worked some long time old friends, and noticed several that
were absent.    All in all, thought conditions were pretty good, just wish
I had spent more time later in evening.    Gave the FT950 a rest and fired
up the Mark V Field....love this rig...

Congrats to all

Jon k8ly


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