[NCC] Pre-Sprint practice: NS Ladder Tonight

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Thu Jan 30 16:15:50 EST 2014

Bob, KW8N and Ty, NO3M have improved their CW Sprint scores by operating
this great Thursday night contest almost every week.

Tim K3LR

Tonight, Thursday, all NAS sprinters are encouraged to join Week 5 of the
NCCC Sprint Ladder XIX now in progress as a good station and operator
warm-up to this weekend's NAS CW.

Time:  0230-0300 (Friday UTC) 20, 40, 80 and 160.

Differences from NAS:
   -- 100 watts
   -- "relaxed" QSY rules. . 1, 2 KHz
   -- mults by band.

See www.ncccsprint.com

Please submit score reports to 3830scores.com

73 Bill n6zfo

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