[NCC] One last call

R.T.Liddy k8bl at ameritech.net
Tue Jul 8 21:25:24 EDT 2014

Jeff.... I'd like to, but that's a bad wknd for me. Thanks
   for the effort, maybe next time.   73/GL,   Bob K8BL

 From: Green Heron Engineering <info at greenheronengineering.com>
To: ncc <ncc at contesting.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, July 8, 2014 7:13 PM
Subject: [NCC] One last call


The response to the August 30th date for the gathering in WNY has been a bit
underwhelming.  I realize it's a tough year, and a tough week now, but there
are about 3 yeahs, and one definite maybe.  So I'll throw this out one more
time.  By Friday, I will either cancel or confirm the event, but we would
need more positive responses to confirm it.

GL to all this weekend, WRTC 2014 participants and others.  The W2FU station
will be operated by N2ZN, category to be determined, for the IARU.


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