Dennis Ward dward8 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 12 04:23:35 EDT 2014

Good Luck !  Have a great time

On Friday, July 11, 2014, jimk8mr--- via MRRC <mrrc at contesting.com> wrote:

>  Hi All,
> Mike & I are back at the hotel for the evening; Things are set up and
> working. The only glitch is not being able to figure out how to connect the
> P3 data via Mike's MicroHam interface. We see the spectrum but not the
> frequency info. Also, maybe a heat issue, the voice keyer in my computer
> decided to turn me from a fast talking guy to a guy who talks at Louisiana
> speed. Came home, turned it on, and all was fine.
> The promised cell phone coverage is very marginal, and we (the referee)
> had a hard time connecting the real time score computer back to
> headquarters. So if you don't see scores for us, don't despair - Verizon
> may just not hear us from out in the boondocks.
> We're in the Miles Standish forest location, the southern most cluster
> with about 15 sites. Neighbors include W9RE, PY2NDX, R9DX, IK2QEI. Our
> referee is DL2OBF.
> Between us this afternoon we worked K8GL a couple of times and W1NN. We
> are in one of the MRRC sponsored tents. The Uruguay team is in the other
> MRRC tent, and 4O3A is in the NCC tent (I think).
> Hope to work lots of you tomorrow. Spots of us guys on SSB will be
> especially appreciated (not just for us - don't hesitate to spot everybody.)
> QRV for a 0545 EDT departure in the morning. Ugh!
> 73,
> Jim
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