[NCC] W2FU Open House in August

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Sat Jun 28 10:16:27 EDT 2014

Hi Jeff,

No problem with the date, but it's a five hour drive each way for me, so 
you'd better mark me as a "maybe" for now.

73, Hal W1NN
Medina, OH

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeffrey Ach" <w2fu at frontiernet.net>
To: "ncc" <ncc at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 11:37 PM
Subject: [NCC] W2FU Open House in August

> Fellow NCC'ers
> It was an unfortunate oversight that we initially selected the Saturday of
> the Ohio QSO Party for our get together, and now we are faced with another
> conflict, the operation of W1AW/8 in Ohio.   Unfortunately, the only
> alternative that I can host is the following Saturday, August 30th.  This 
> is
> the beginning of the Labor Day weekend.
> After discussing this with Tim, we decided to see what we would get for a
> turnout should we go with the 30th.  I would anticipate a mid-day event to
> allow folks time to travel, and therefore, end early enough to allow 
> return.
> There are lots of nearby accommodations as well.
> Please respond with an RSVP so we can see what kind of turnout we can get 
> on
> this date.  If the response isn't very good, then we will probably just
> re-plan it for 2015.
> Jeff - W2FU
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